Grangetown Business Forum’s first programme

The first programme for the new Grangetown Business Forum has been completed – providing both training, a chance to exchange ideas, meet other businesses – and raise issues.

Business coach Rob Firth ran local business, shop-owners and new start-ups too through some of the essentials – from marketing to building customer loyalty – and it was a chance to share knowledge and pick up tips.

We were also grateful for Tramshed Tech in Pendyris Street for offering their fantastic facilities for the monthly evening meetings.

The final session was a chance for businesses to question newly-elected local councillors Lynda Thorne and Ashley Lister.

Issues around customer parking and deliveries; as well as issues with Greener Grangetown were raised.

We will be reviewing the format and hope to arrange an autumn/winter programme after a summer break.

In the meantime, there are plans to develop a Love Grangetown Shop Grangetown campaign – this includes an occasional street market (the first will be trialled on July 22nd) and also a map of independent businesses in the Grangetown shopping district.


Anyone with any queries, contact Steve at or Rosie on




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